Alexander Z. Rivkin M.D. is a Yale trained facial cosmetic surgeon and UCLA faculty member who has focused his practice exclusively on providing his patients with the latest in non-invasive, non-ablative cosmetic treatments in Southern California. He understands that no one relishes the thought of “going under the knife,” and believes modern medical technology can provide today's patients with superior alternatives to invasive, painful surgery that requires a long recovery time.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Crow's Feet Lines

Dr Rivkin,

I recently had botox in the crows feet area, which has worked quite well in the area immediatley adjacent to the eye.

Unfortunately, my most significant crows feet area is at the 45 degree angle (5 o'clock if you can visualize that) Sort of like the Hugh Jackman type of lines, which might look sexy on a guy, but aren't nearly as appealing on a woman.

My doctor was going to inject that area, then changed her mind, saying she thought it could possibly lead to bags under my eyes.

I understand this can happen, but in your opinion is this likely to happen, or is it only a percentage of people that it will effect.

I'm quite disappointed that whilst I've eradicated some of the crows feet, the most signficant ones are still very prominent at the front area of my cheek.

Can Botox ever be used successfully in this area if one is careful?

Or alternatively, would it help if I built up my rather flat cheeks with Juvederm or similar, to ease the line problem by giving a fuller cheek look.



hi jane,
i think that, if done carefully, botox can be very effective in that area. you just cant put too much in there. i would go with 4 units in 2 injections. and give it 2 weeks to take full effect. i would put one injection at the upper cheek area and then one about a centimeter underneath the lower lid margin.
juvederm can also help that area, but i would have to take a look at you to be sure. it is injected superficially and tends to smooth out those lines.
hope that helps


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