Alexander Z. Rivkin M.D. is a Yale trained facial cosmetic surgeon and UCLA faculty member who has focused his practice exclusively on providing his patients with the latest in non-invasive, non-ablative cosmetic treatments in Southern California. He understands that no one relishes the thought of “going under the knife,” and believes modern medical technology can provide today's patients with superior alternatives to invasive, painful surgery that requires a long recovery time.

Friday, March 28, 2008

My opinion on Fat Transfer

Dr. Rivkin, I had fat transfer to my nasolabial folds about three years ago. It was a bust and didn't hold up beyond several weeks. A different PS injected my lips with Resty several months ago (just to restore a little volume loss due to aging) and I was really pleased with the results. This doc says fat transfer for the naso labial lines and lip enhancement is the gold standard. When I told him about my former experience with fat transfer he told me that he gently "sifts" the fluids from the fat rather than centrifuge it and feels that his methodology renders a longer-lasting result. I've found some negative postings about fat transfer to the lips - that even years later you can develop lumpiness. I'm really torn as to what to do. The Resty is a very nice product but my results only lasted maybe four months. That gets pricey. I would appreciate hearing your opinion of fat transfer for the lips & naso labial lines.

hi kellster,
i'm glad you asked.
i do not like fat transfer and i do not do it.
no matter what anyone says about their magic, super-duper way of processing the fat and how it lasts forever if they do it, fat is unreliable.
it can last a few months or it can last a few years, and no-one can tell you ahead of time what's going to happen.
the other problem with fat is that it is not that precise, whereas you have to be super precise for the lips to look good and natural. you never want to lose the cupid's bow of the top lip or the gentle curve of the bottom.
i have been injecting restylane and juvederm for a long time. they are both super precise and i find that juvederm ultra plus lasts longer than restylane by a few months (about 7 to 8 months total).
i've seen that, after a few sessions, there is collagen stimulation that tends to last, so you tend to need the injections less and less often.
the same points apply to nasolabial folds
hope that helps


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