Alexander Z. Rivkin M.D. is a Yale trained facial cosmetic surgeon and UCLA faculty member who has focused his practice exclusively on providing his patients with the latest in non-invasive, non-ablative cosmetic treatments in Southern California. He understands that no one relishes the thought of “going under the knife,” and believes modern medical technology can provide today's patients with superior alternatives to invasive, painful surgery that requires a long recovery time.

Monday, January 14, 2008

More Juvederm Under the Eyes Issues

I also had the same experience with under eye injections of juvederm. Bruising and swelling under one eye that was pretty bad, although the other eye was fine. I am 3 weeks out and have definite bags under my eyes from what I believe to be too much product injected. I have been to my doc for follow ups each week and he has said he thought I was still swollen and need to wait a bit. I can tell the product would look great if either the swelling would go down or just a bit of the product is removed. Problem now is that the doctor just told me that he has never injected hyaluronidase under the eyes! When he "sold me" on the juvederm procedure, he made it sound like he did this all the time. I am thinking I have been a guinea pig here--guess I should have asked more specific questions. In any case, no sense complaining, sounds like the problem is fixable, but I need to find a more experienced doc. So, I have three questions: 1. is is possible that what I am seeing under my eyes after 3 weeks is still swelling, even with the eye that I didn't have any bruising with? I can tell the eye that bruised still has some swelling. 2. Can you dissolve just a portion of the product or will the enzyme take it all out? Can you get lumps after the enzyme is injected if it only takes out part? 3. Can anyone recommend a doc with alot of experience in this that is close to Michigan? I will travel to some extent--either cheap flight or drive a few hours--chicago and detroit are both close. New york can be a cheap flight. Any suggestions? I truly believe that Juvederm has great potential under the eyes, but gotta find someone who does it all the time. I get the sense it is a tricky area and the bruising is hit or miss, even with an experienced doc.

you're right - this procedure is tricky and should be done by someone experienced. hyaluronidase is a basic element of the procedure - there's frequently some reduction to be done.
to answer your questions:
1. i don't think that what you're seeing is swelling. i think that you're seeing too much product.
2. yes, you can dissolve part of it by injecting just a bit of the enzyme and it will not leave bumps. however, it takes experience to know how much to put in so that all of the juvederm does not disappear.
3. don't know anyone in your area really. i would ask the docs that sound like they do alot of these kinds of procedures exactly how much of the under eye juvederm they do.
hope that helps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have juverderm injected under my eyes on tuesday, today is thursday and had hyalurordase injected to remove it, under both eyes are bruised, sore, still puffy and look like sharpee wrinkled dog, How soon does the reversal injection work, and is the swelling normal due to injection, of should have immediaetly been flattened and gone?

October 16, 2008 at 1:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to know the answer to this question as well. I had Juvederm injected in my eyes over a year ago and the swelling has never gone away. I am very self conscious about it and am wondering if, after so long, the hyalurodase would work for me to and what the possible side effects would be? Thank you.

November 21, 2009 at 9:07 AM


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